It all started with a dalliance with van gogh..
Don't we all when starting out as novice painters of western art? Falling in love with the starry nights, the vibrancy of the palette, drawn by the energy and impassioned artworks of the most famous painter of them all. At least Yen did, and went on to discover a whole new world of impressionism and expressionism.
But Van Gogh remains unique, described as post-impressionist but not yet modern art, one can never peg him as either as there were none like him and none after.
The Blue Shophouse (joo chiat road), 30x20 inches, oil on canvas, SOLD |
Yen was perhaps one of millions inspired to pick up the painting brush by this great man who poignantly was not recognized professionally in his equally well known dramatic lifetime.
A Stroll At Joo Chiat (joo chiat road), 24x33 inches, oil on canvas, SOLD |

Five Foot Way (joo chiat road), 24x18 inches, oil on canvas, SOLD
While Van Gogh painted in Arles France (Yen had the privilege of traversing to for a tribute), Yen painted in our very own backyard. Yes, Singapore. The place Yen calls home after years of backpacking and art-ing around the world.
Once Upon A Time (joo chiat Kuan Im Tng temple), 20x30 inches, oil on canvas, SOLD |
Memory Lane (joo chiat), 18x18 inches, oil on canvas, SOLD |
Her DREAMembrance series , exploring the interplay between dreams and memories, are vignettes of local landmarks in impasto abstract style, a nod to the man who first inspired her in the beginning. 
A Vintage Shophouse (joo chiat road), 14x10 inches, acrylic on canvas, SOLD
Recently, the wanderer has found a permanent home for her studio in eastern Singapore. The little enclave called Joo Chiat with the ubiquitous peranakan houses is becoming very lively with exquisite culinaries sprouting alongside traditional works and nonya eateries. In this charming place, Yen discovers nooks and corners to love to bits every day and to put into her paintings as her art journey continues with her My Joo Chiat Corner series..
-14x80in-OilCanvas-singaporekoonseng22.jpg) |
The 8 Peranakan Houses (koon seng road), 14x80inches (8 canvas panels @14"x10"), oil on canvas, SOLD

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